[电影]查老铁大战丧尸街友 HD中字

<p>  It&#39;s not 1985 anymore...it&#39;s 1986, and Chuck Steel is &#39;the best God damn cop on the force&#39; according to his long suffering boss, Captain Jack Schitt. But even this maverick, renegade, loose cannon, lone wolf, cop on the edge, who doesn&#39;t play by the rules has his work cut out when the Governor of LA decides to reduce the licensing hours for clubs and bars triggering a sudden, inexplicable spate of high profile disappearances in the city. The disappearances all have the same thing in common, a crime scene covered in blood but with no sign of the victim. The police are perplexed until they get a break in the case when one of the victims manages to escape. Chuck goes to interview the victim at the hospital but is confronted by a crazed old man who introduces himself as Abraham Van Rental. He warns a disbelieving Chuck that an evil scourge is about to descend on the city of Los Angeles - the scourge of the TRAMPIRES - a mutated hybrid of vampire and tramp.</p>



